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County Administrative Board gives green light to offshore wind farm Triton outside Sweden

June 8, 2023, 10:30
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The County Administrative Board of Skåne has decided that the offshore wind farm Triton can get permission to be built according to the Act on Sweden’s exclusive economic zone. OX2 and Ingka Investments welcome the decision and if the government gives final approval construction could start already 2027.

In its decision the County Administrative Board writes that the government can give the wind farm permission to be built. Last year OX2 applied for a concession to connect Triton to the general grid.

The wind farm is planned to be situated 23 kilometers off the coast of Skåne and has an installed capacity of up to 1.5 GW. The annual electricity generation is estimated to about 7 TWh, which corresponds to about half of the electricity consumption in Skåne.

- We look forward to realizing this project and to continue to cooperate with local stakeholders. We are working in parallel to secure cable connection to the grid as well as signing agreements with suppliers to be able to start as soon as all permits are in place, says Emelie Zakrisson, Head of Offshore Wind Development, Sweden OX2.

- This is great news that the county board has green lighted the project. We look forward to realise Triton together with OX2. With a speedy permit process the wind farm could be producing electricity before 2030, says Frederik de Jong, Head of renewable energy investments, Ingka Investments.

During the year public consultations have been held concerning the grid connection. OX2 has also signed agreements with cable supplier NKT and with EEW SPC on monopile foundations.

Besides the production of electricity OX2 work to improve the natural environment around the project. For example OX2 plans to improve the conditions for the cod and initiatives to protect the coastline against erosion.

Triton is one of three projects that OX2 is developing together with Ingka Investments in Sweden. The other two are Galene on the west coast, that recently was approved by the government, and Aurora between the islands Gotland and Öland. All three projects will be decided by the Swedish government and have a potential to produce a total of up to 30 TWh annually.