Large-scale seaweed farming
OX2 has signed letters of intent with the companies Kobb and Nordic Seafarm to investigate possibilities for the large-scale cultivation of seaweed at the planned Galene offshore wind farm, off the west coast of Sweden.

Seaweed grows from the nutrients in the water and captures both minerals and carbon dioxide. Moreover, the seaweed captures nitrogen and phosphorus, which arises from eutrophication. Thriving seaweed makes the seas healthier.
Limitless food uses
In addition to the positive environmental impact, sugar kelp contains high levels of minerals, fiber, vitamins and antioxidants and is a natural source of iodine, magnesium and iron. The seaweed’s food uses are practically limitless. It can be boiled, fried, fermented and used as a flavoring in various forms after drying.
The seaweed can also be used as a base for making meat substitutes. Other uses include biofuel, fertilizer, pharmaceuticals production, packaging and hygiene products.
Local workforce
Large-scale seaweed farming will require people to carry out sowing, harvesting and inspection. At the anticipated production volume of 20,000 tonnes per year, it is estimated that the business will employ 20 to 30 full-time staff and 70 seasonal workers, as well as five vessels for four months, according to the initial calculations of OX2’s business partner Kobb.