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Offshore wind power


Gulf of Bothnia, Finland

Under development
Gulf of Bothnia
6 TWh

About the project

Tyrsky offshore wind power project is located in the Gulf of Bothnia, in the economic zone off of the coast of the city of Vaasa. The wind farm is about 480 km2 and located to the southwest of Vaasa in the open sea, about 30 kilometers northwest of Kaskinen.

The project will comprise maximum 95 wind turbines and have an annual power production of approximately 6 TWh, which is about 9 percent of Finland’s electricity production in 2021 (69.3 TWh). Electricity transmission from the farm will be brought ashore using subsea cables. The onshore options for electricity transmission are currently being investigated.

An environmental impact assessment (EIA) procedure will be implemented in the project. In addition to environmental impact assessment, a special exploration permit is required for the commencement of projects and the conduct of seabed surveys in the offshore EEZ. OX2 received the exploration permit for the project in 2022.

What's next?

The environmental impact assessment (EIA) procedure and large-scale seabed surveys started in summer 2023. The project's permit procedures and studies will take approximately 3–4 years, and the actual construction can begin at the end of the decade. At the fastest, the offshore wind farm could start producing electricity at the turn of the decade.

Key facts

Project key facts

Offshore wind power
Under development
Gulf of Bothnia
Number of turbines
~ 95
6 TWh

Informationsmöte för allmänheten 13.2.2024

Ett informationsmöte för allmänheten ordnas om MKB-programmen för havsvindkraftsparken Tyrsky och elöverföringen tisdagen 13.2.2024 kl. 17.30–20.00 i Frans Henriksonsalen, Närpesvägen 16, 64200 Närpes. Kaffeservering från och med kl. 17.00.

Man kan också delta i infomötet på distans. Du kan delta via denna länken. Distanslänk till evenemanget kan också hittas på miljöförvaltningens webbplats. Gå till sidan här.

Så här framskrider havsbaserad vinkraftsprojekt Tyrksy

Do you want to know more?

Project contacts for Tyrsky

Project manager
Mathias Skog

+358 50 590 2199

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