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Investment Committee

The Investment Committee’s main tasks are to establish and monitor the implementation of investment policies, follow the development of completed investments and investment portfolio and to resolve on investments that fall outside of the mandate of the commercial steering group but within the framework of the investment volume decided by the Board of Directors. The Investment Committee reports to the board at each ordinary board meeting.

The Investment Committee currently consists of two members: Johan Ihrfelt (chair) and Thomas von Otter.

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee's main tasks are to monitors the financial reporting and the effectiveness of OX2’s internal control, internal audit and risk managemen. Pursuant to the Swedish Companies Act, the members of the audit committee may not be employees of the Company and at least one member must have accounting or auditing qualification. The majority of the members of the audit committee are to be independent of the Company and its executive management. At least one of the audit committee members who are independent of the Company and its executive management is also to be independent in relation to the Company’s major shareholders.

The Audit Committee currently consists of Anna-Karin Celsing and Niklas Midby.

Remuneration Committee

Prepares the Board’s decisions on issues relating to remuneration principles, remuneration
and other terms of employment for senior executives. The Board of Directors has established a remuneration committee. Pursuant to the Code, the chair of the board may be the chair of the remuneration committee, but the other members of the remuneration committee are to be independent of the Company and its executive management.

The Remuneration Committee currently consists of two members: Johan Ihrfelt (chair) and Malin Persson.

Remuneration Report 2023