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Corporate governance structure

Within OX2, governance and control are shared between the shareholders at general meetings,  the Board of Directors, the CEO and other members of management.

The Swedish Companies  Act, the Articles of Association and internal policies, instructions and guidelines adopted by  OX2 govern the allocation of tasks. The Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors and the  CEO’s Instructions are examples of internal instructions and guidelines. 

OX2’s Articles of Association

Shareholder influence is exercised at General Meetings, at which shareholders decide, for  example, on the composition of the Board of Directors, the election of the auditor, the discharge  of the Board of Directors and the CEO from liability and the guidelines for remuneration of senior executives. 

More information about General Meetings

The Nomination Committee, which is appointed in accordance with the principles laid down by  the Annual General Meeting, submits proposals to the next Annual General Meeting concerning  matters such as the election of Board members, the Chair of the Board and the auditor, and  decisions on the remuneration of the Board and the auditor.

More information about the Nomination Committee

The Board of Directors is ultimately responsible for the organization and management of OX2’s  activities. The tasks of the Board of Directors are partly prepared by the company’s Group  management and by the committees of the Board of Directors.

Presentation of the Board of Directors and the responsibilities

The CEO of OX2 is appointed by the Board of Directors. The CEO manages the day-to-day operations of the Group in accordance with the Board’s guidelines and instructions. 

Meet the CEO and the leadership team