Offshore wind power
Gulf of Bothnia, Finland
- Phase
- Under development
- Location
- Gulf of Bothnia
- Production
- 11 TWh
About the project
Laine offshore wind power project is located in the economic zone adjacent to the cities of Kokkola and Pietarsaari. The area of the wind farm is about 450 km2, and its distance to the mainland is about 30 km, to Pietarsaari about 32 km, and to the nearest island 24 km (Torsön).
Laine will comprise a maximum of 150 wind turbines with an annual electricity production of approximately 11 TWh. This is more than the amount of electricity produced by the Olkiluoto 2 nuclear power plant in 2020 (7.3 TWh).
An environmental impact assessment procedure is implemented in the project. In addition to the environmental impact assessment, a special exploration permit is required for the commencement of projects and the conduct of seabed surveys in the offshore EEZ. OX2 filed exploration permit applications with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment in May 2021 and received the exploration permit in January 2022.
What's next?
The project’s environmental impact assessment process is underway. The permit procedures and surveys related to the project are expected to last until the end of 2026.

Key facts
Project key facts
- Technology
- Offshore wind power
- Phase
- Under development
- Location
- Gulf of Bothnia
- Number of turbines
- ~ 150
- Production
- 11 TWh
Project documents
- Usein kysytyt kysymykset: Halla ja Laine -merituulivoimahankkeet
- YVA-menettelyn yleistiedot
- Arviointiohjelman Osa A: Merituulivoimapuisto ja energiansiirto Suomen talousvyöhykkeellä ja aluevesillä
- Arviointiohjelman Osa B: Merituulivoimapuistoon liittyvä sähkönsiirto mantereella
- Yhteysviranomaisen lausunto arviointiohjelmasta 21.12.2022
- Liite yhteysviranomaisen lausuntoon
- Vanliga frågor – de havsbaserade vindkraftsprojekten Halla och Laine
- Allmänna uppgifter om MKB-processen
- Del A av bedömningsprogrammet: Havsbaserad vindkraftspark och energiöverföring inom Finlands ekonomiska zon och territorialvatten
- Del B av bedömningsprogrammet: Elöverföring på land i anslutning till den havsbaserade vindkraftsparken
- Kontaktmyndighetens utlåtande om programmet för bedömning 21.12.2022
- Bilaga till kontaktmyndighetens utlåtande
OX2 and our suppliers are guests in the local communities. For us, is extremely important to create dialogue with and show respect for the people who live and work in the local area. This includes transparent communication, creating local jobs, business sector development or financial grants through community funds or property tax, depending on the market and conditions in the area.
The expansion of renewable energy should not come at the expense of nature and it is not enough for us to mitigate climate change. We have long worked to minimize our negative impact on nature and are now taking decisive action towards our goal of nature-positive wind and solar farms by 2030.
Our projects are sustainable by design, from early planning to construction and management.
Grievance and complaints
Grievance and complaints
Grievance and complaints
The grievance mechanism is targeted towards individuals, communities and companies who have feedback or concerns regarding our projects.
OX2 takes all complaints seriously and aims to acknowledge and resolve complaints promptly. A complaint is a formal expression of dissatisfaction made to or about OX2, related to its project development, construction, operation, or a staff member.
We acknowledge that anyone has a right to lodge a complaint and we will ensure that all the complaints we receive will be managed respectfully, objectively, and efficiently.
Do you want to know more?
Project contacts for Laine
Project manager
Olli Takalammi
+358 400 913 788

Projektets nyhetsbrev
Om du vill få aktuell information om framstegen av det havsbaserade vindkraftsprojektet Laine, kan du beställa projektets nyhetsbrev genom länken här. Du kan läsa de tidigare nyhetsbreven nedan.